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Selections or layers coping

How can you coping selections of layers?

You can use the Move tool to copy selections as you drag them within or between images, or you can copy and move selections using the Copy, Copy Merged, Cut, and Paste commands. Dragging with the Move tool saves memory because the Clipboard is not used as it is with the Copy, Copy Merged, Cut, and Paste commands.
The Copy command copies the selected area on the active layer.
The Copy Merged command makes a merged copy of all the visible layers in the selected area.
The Paste command pastes a cut or copied selection into another part of the image or into another image as a new layer. If you have a selection, the Paste command places the copied selection over the current selection. Without an active selection, Paste places the copied selection in the middle of the view area.
The Paste Into command pastes a cut or copied selection inside another selection in the same image or different image. The source selection is pasted onto a new layer, and the destination selection border is converted into a layer mask.
Selections or layers coping Selections or layers coping Reviewed by Unknown on 9:18 PM Rating: 5

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